Thursday, October 14, 2010

Could it be...Progress?

For whatever reason  I haven't really put my latest writing news "out there" yet, as I don't know exactly where it's going to go. However, as I was purusing my writings on here, I thought about how this blog is supposed to chronicle my journey as I work to find my way in this world of "being a writer." So, you're hearing it here first.

Tomorrow morning I have a meeting with the founder of a local magazine to discuss the possibility of me doing some writing for them. I'm insanely excited about this, but I really have no idea how this is going to turn out. I guess I didn't want to jinx it by talking about it too much, but felt it was only fair to put this out there, here.

As I'm writing this, I'm reflecting on the awesomeness that is my family. I'm thinking about what a phenomenal group of people they are - and how completely blessed I am that the individuals my siblings married are just as essential to this family as our original five. I couldn't have possibly asked for a more loving, supportive family. As I mentioned in my last post, my mom worked really hard to ensure that our family became an unshakable unit. While I don't claim to have the same kind of relationship with my brother that I do my sister; our love and loyalty are fierce. I know no matter what, these people have my back, and at the end of the day...That's not such a bad thing to have.

What on earth does this have to do with tomorrow? Well, first, without my sister and her friend, tomorrow might never have come to fruition. They both talked up my writing to this individual and they (the whole fam) are as excited about this as I am. I know this, I also know no matter the outcome, they'll continue to be my biggest fans and cheering me on each step of the way. I'll let you know how it goes. Think good thoughts for me!


  1. Sending good vibes your way today. I hope this works it sounds a like a great step in the right direction.
