Before Abby was born I was certain I was going to go back to work. I was moving upwards in my career, I was on the track that I thought I wouldn't/couldn't get back on if I chose to stay home. I should've known better...
Abby was born four weeks early - not too bad in the grand scheme of things (for some reason calling her a 'preemie' just didn't sit right, I mean, four weeks is nothing compared to how early some babies come), but the series of events leading to her birth still gets my stomach churning when looking back. Amazingly, she was perfectly healthy. Small, but healthy. She didn't even have to spend any time in the NICU, which we were practically banking on since they made me go to the hospital equipped with the NICU, when I had planned to deliver at the other. Seriously, though, perfection.
It's funny, most of my preconceptions/'certainties' were tossed out the window with the arrival of this exceptional girl. Let's see; the first came with: no epidural because no-needle-that-size-is-going-into-my-back. When in reality the thought of getting some sleep or some actual rest was too intoxicating. Maybe I would breastfeed - you know if I could get over the 'ick' factor. Alas, for me, the cliches were true, I loved that 'us' time...And let's be honest, not having to get up to make a bottle in the middle of the night? Not so bad. You better believe I thought I was going back to work. Reality? The idea of being apart from her still brings me to tears. She is my heart, she is my soul, she - along with her daddy - is my world.
What does Abby have to do with my writing? She is the source of my greatest inspiration. She is my favorite topic. She is why I got bit by the writing bug again- she made it easy. So, to mix things up a bit, all things labeled 'Loving Abigail' are going to either be my favorite Abby writings - old for now or new once we run out of the oldie but goodies. I'll also toss in some of her 'Abby-isms' here and there, as her thoughts are quite the hit among my Facebook friends.
I hope you enjoy our bug as much as we do.