Fun Fridays

On November 5, 2010, my Early Childhood/Parenting column saw the advent of the Fun Friday edition. The premise of this weekly column is to let our hair down - so to speak - and focus on the silly, light-hearted side of parenting. So often we get caught up in the daily grind of maintaining our family's schedules, doing everything that keeps our family churning; that we lose sight of those parenting moments that we all want to tuck in our pockets and carry around for a rainy day. Some of our more humorous experiences might require time before we can fully appreciate them, but appreciate them we will. As I noted in that kickoff piece, if in the midst of all this humor we stumble across some beautiful pearls of wisdom or tender moments, well, all the better.

Consider this page to be your quick connection to all things Fun Friday. Each week I'll post a link to the latest edition. We'll go newest to oldest down the page.

What you can expect to find on Fun Fridays
These articles will be composed from my own experiences as well those of other parents. I'm hoping this will catch on and we'll start getting some input from parents outside of my immediate circle. To that end, if ever you have something you'd like to contribute to a Fun Friday edition, then please, shoot me an e-mail.

Fun Fridays: Billings Early Childhood/Parenting Edition