Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Vacation Bible School and all that entails...

It's been a few days since my last posting. My life has taken on a sort whirlwind quality in the past week with the kickoff of this year's Vacation Bible School (VBS). I am the Christian Education Director of my church and this is my first year totally running the show. Let me tell you - it is a MASSIVE undertaking.

My sister suggested I do a series of articles on VBS and I sort of brushed it off at the time, I didn't know if it would be appropriate, but I realized her suggestion was one to take and run with. The series begins at planning and set-up then takes us day-by-day through the week. Tomorrow puts us at day two. Not gonna lie, day two went a lot less smoothly than day one.

At last year's VBS I was learning the ropes and one thing I observed was how we always seemed to run over on time. Not sure why, but there just didn't seem to be enough time in the evening. These last two days we've run well ahead of schedule. I shudder to think of what tomorrow is going to look like when our craft activity goes back to being fairly simple to complete. Part of our excessive earliness seems to be related to the cushion I gave the groups in getting from station-to-station, but I'm not willing to give up the time in the schedule. I don't know, I'd rather be ahead of schedule than behind, but what the heck?! Fortunately, our Discovery time leader is outstanding and always has several experiments to share with the kids. And I guess it is nice to not have to sprint through snack time...

So come along and experience the Galactic Blast VBS ride with us.

  1. Behind the scenes: Vacation Bible School - getting ready
  2. Behind the scenes: Vacation Bible School - day 1
  3. Behind the scenes: Vacation Bible School - day 2
  4. Behind the scenes: Vacation Bible School - day 3
  5. Behind the scenes: Vacation Bible School - final day

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