Wednesday, October 20, 2010

All things Halloween

Here we are at less than two weeks away from Halloween and I finally decided perhaps it was time that I acknowledged that in my writing. I'm just not a big fan. Even when I was a kid...I remember when I was really small being excited about my costume, but even when I was still in Elementary School, my favorite part of Halloween was being at home, with my mom, handing out the candy to all of the trick-or-treaters. My parents would take out the screen/glass in the screen door and I thought that was complete and utter fabulousness. Then, as I do now, enjoyed seeing what other people would wear, but I could take it or leave it.

Alas, I am far from being in the majority on this one so it seemed intelligent to get some Halloween articles out there. Let me tell you a little bit about the two articles I'll be linking you to today. The first Halloween article I have for you details a list of events offered in the Billings area on the 29th - 31st of this month. In that article you'll also find a list of the various maizes and pumpkin patches in the area.

The second Halloween article I have to offer you talks Halloween safety. I genuinely did not want to put out yet another Halloween safety article, as they are in an abundance right now, so I tried to mix it up a bit. You've got the same ol' safety tips (I'm pretty sure I probably didn't break any new ground), but there are things there that I hadn't necessarily thought of, simply because I am not yet the mother of an older child. I also link you to some safety quizzes in this article. One is specifically for the kids to take and it's pretty awesome. I had my sister take it with her youngest (who is four) and having my sister read to her, but her (my niece) clicking through and choosing her answers worked just fine. Older kids will enjoy it too. I mean, I'm a 29-year-old kid and I enjoyed it. So hopefully I succeeded in bringing something a little different to the table with this piece.

Happy reading and Happy Halloween!

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