Tonight I realized I have the perfect sounding board living right under my own roof...One little miss Abigail bean.
I've been working on writing some things for a children's magazine/publication. It's this magazine for babies and toddlers six months to two years, but it's made out of board book material and has no staples, so it's really and truly for the wee ones.
Ironically, my main concern in writing for such a publication was writing something truly kid focused and my ability to write something that wasn't totally lame not to mention accidentally poaching from the many, many children's books I've read over the years. Finally, I realized I was doing that whole self-sabotage-y negative self-talk before I'd ever even tried. As my mom has always said, "You never know until you try." The irony here, of course, is that I've always wanted to be a children's book author...Moral of the story: Man up, bust out the creative thinking, and do some writing!
Back to Abby - thus far she's given me only rave reviews, but children are famously honest so I'm thinking I've found my new go-to girl. Her first review was: "Read it again mom!" Guess I ought to get over the butterflies in my tum and send it off. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
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