Saturday, September 25, 2010

Am I a writer?

Today I was doing some research on one of the magazines I'm hoping to submit some articles to and via a comment to a post I happened upon a link to a blog authored by another individual pursuing this dream of writing. (Did you catch all that)?

The particular post I landed in asked the title question, "Am I a writer?" Essentially the post encourages those who are sitting in this boat, pondering that question to stop questioning, doubting, and lacking the general chutzpah and just own it. Yes, I am a writer. It's not about being published or making the big bucks - though those things are lovely, it's about this need to write. Period.

This came at a great time (gotta love a great God-incidence, don't you?), as I've been struggling with thinking I sound like a complete idiot when I tell people about committing myself to writing. I. Am. A. Writer. Phew. The book I'm reading about writing and publishing children's books said the same thing. You have to give yourself permission to not only take this seriously, but to take it seriously while expressing to those around you that this is it; you are a writer, this is a job, not a whim or a passing fancy. It's a passion we're hoping to go places with.

Again, this affirmation of taking ownership of this dream come to life couldn't have come at a more opportune time. Last night I applied for a National title with Examiner. Who knows if I'll get it (it can take up to two weeks to hear back), but if I don't get this one, I'm going to keep trying. I've got to keep pushing myself and how better than to reach for more exposure?

Talk about a baby stepper, huh? Think good thoughts for me as I wait to hear on the National title. I'll let you know, good, bad, or fabulous. So there it is: You better believe I'm a writer! Moving on.

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